Can you imagine being able to surprise each customer by offering what really fits their tastes and preferences?

Can you imagine your best customers acting as brand ambassadors and bringing new users to your business?

Would you like to live with the peace of mind of knowing that the future of your business is guaranteed because it grows with an extensive base of loyal and recurring customers?

In a previous post “How to implement a customer experience personalization solution in your retail business” we addressed the current need of businesses to differentiate and become relevant in the eyes of the customer and we analyzed the options available to implement with success a solution that allows you to meet your customers and connect with them with personalized proposals.

In this article we will analyze how to leverage this loyalty and customer experience personalization technology through the creation of services that provide real value to the customers.

Before exposing these services, it is necessary to show what transversal values ​​are behind all of them, values ​​that set the basis of their success because they align with the new customer lifestyle.


Customers are quickly being transformed into smart shoppers, turning the customer experience the only or at least the main competitive differentiator between brands.

Product itself becomes less and less the decisive element in the identification of a customer with a brand.

Personalization gains ground every day. It is the opportunity to differentiate at a human level. It is about using consumer behavior as the most important input about what people want and need to satisfy them with the right message at the right time.


Technology has become the gear of virtually any process in life. It has literally empowered the consumer, greatly expanding its range of options. He has also transformed the way customers know and set relationships with businesses and brands.

Nowadays, to not be on digital is practically the same as not to exist.

Whatever the consumer buys, online or in a physical store, he decides in advance what business and which product he will test or acquire based on information he has consulted in digital media.

The digital channel is not the only sales channel but it is the first and largest showcase of a brand.


Consumers seek services without barriers, which they can enjoy comfortably and immediately.

The customer has become accustomed to want something and get it quickly. Any delay without a justified cause turns him impatient and automatically moves him to discard it.


The current consumers put transparency over perfection. They don´t expect a brand to be perfect, but they do expect it to be authentic and transparent.

Any customer service must be clear and fully transparent in what it offers. The customers has to know without any doubt what they can expect and obtain with it.


The consumer looks for products, services and solutions that offer functionality as easy as possible, without complex steps or processes requiring mental efforts difficult to remember.

Simplicity of a service in retail also includes the possibility to be transparently used in any sales channel  (OMNICHANNEL). Customer´s benefits should not be limited regarding where they can be enjoyed. Customer must perceive the same benefits and shopping experience regardless the sales channel used (physical or online).

Technology has become the gear of virtually any process in life. In words of the distinguished expert Juan Carlos Alcaide: "in customer experience, what is not technology is poetry"

Let’s have a look now which services could you use in your omnichannel loyalty and cx personalization solution to add value to your customers and differentiate your business.

  1. How about rewarding loyalty of your best customers with a Saving Program?

Customer will get a discount based on the consumption in your business that encourages him to continue choosing you in future purchases.

  1. How would you find to push visitors to your stores with Customizable Rewards achievable based on a series of “milestones”?

You will enroll your customer in a “trip” consisting of completing a series of steps associated with purchases in your business that lead him to reach the desired reward.

A particularly interesting option for any of the two previous services is to customize them according to the different partner tiers within your loyalty program, granting different levels of savings or higher rewards as customers reach a higher level. Customers will seek to upgrade to reach a status of greater privilege in your business.

  1. What about offering your customers Targeted Promotions that fit their shopping habits?

Starting from a segmentation based on consumers´ behavior in your business and their consumption habits, you will connect with them through promotions and benefits that fit perfectly with their tastes and preferences. You will no longer have to sell a large part of your stock at aggressive promotional prices in the sales campaigns because you will have hit with precision actions in advance.

  1. Would you attract new users if you could encourage your current customers to Share their Experience in your business on their Social Networks?

Your best customers are your best allies to attract more public to your business. If you rely on them, showing gratefulness and rewarding them for it, they will spread your brand and experiences in your business in their community and you will quickly reach new users.

  1. Don´t you think your sales would increase if you could offer a Gift Card program?

If you do not implement a gift card program in your business you will be letting out a substantial part of sales. The use of gift cards is growing year by year in all sectors. A gift card may be purchased by a customer and digitally transferred to another user to make use of that balance in your physical stores or ecommerce.

  1. Do you think more people would enter your business if you could offer Coupons that customers can buy to gift to their friends or family?

Gift coupons, similar to the gift card, will be an extra source of new customers for your business. In the case of the gift coupon, the right on that item can be digitally transferred to another person to enjoy it in your business. You will be attracting a new customer through an existing one.

  1. Wouldn’t it be convenient to be able to integrate in your business Direct Discounts Programs aimed to special groups such as your employees?

Do you provide benefits for your employees as a direct discount on your purchases? How are they using that service now? Can they use it both, in physical stores and online?

A simple way to solve this situation is to integrate this service into your digital loyalty platform. Your employees will have a simple and practical method to enjoy their direct discount on all their purchases.

  1. Don´t you think it is essential to be able to deliver a Digital Ticket service to your customers?

You will provide easy purchase consultation, warranties management and at the same time you will be contributing to environment.

All these services are managed in digital, they address customer in a personalized way, they are simple to use in every sales channel (OMNICHANNEL), their return is immediate and their benefits are accessible with a click.

It´s in your hand to bring them to your customers. Unless you don´t want to differentiate.

I hope I helped you with this post and that you get going.

José Manuel Maseda

Sales & Marketing Manager