We’ve all heard the phrase: knowledge is power. We can have access to more information about our clients than ever before. But information alone doesn’t equate to knowledge, and knowledge does not mean action.
In our case, the information would be all the data that we have at our disposal to connect and retain our customers, knowledge is learning to interpret every customer story beyond KPIs and action is turn thant knowledge in sales.
How to treat the information
The demand forecast calculation has changed and the consumer has evolved, this can’t be denied.
It is not just that the data we collect has changed, you also have to look at it with different eyes. You have to go a step further, rapid data collection to accurately identify your customer’s needs and anticipate their requirements is essential.
We have already talked about how to know if you are offering a good experience to your customers, but there are other data that can help you know how you can get to true omnichannel. How to make your physical stores an extension of your online store, and vice versa.
Online sales have multiplied, but the physical store is and will continue to be, the preferred shopping channel for many consumers. Knowing how to treat the information you receive from your customers well in all your channels will help you give a new life to your stores.
The new role of stores
Looking at the data you collect with new eyes will allow you to refine when choosing which services you can improve in your network of physical chains and where to offer them.
Location, location, location. It has always been said that these are the three most important things when opening a store, and they continue to be with an added difficulty. In the new era of retail, stores become shop windows, warehouses, collection points, shipping points … everything we can imagine.
Let the facts speak for themselves
Companies known for having large stores located on the outskirts of cities, such as Decathlon or Ikea, are approaching the city centres to respond to the needs of their consumers. Click & collect points and new services allow them to approach another type of customer who is not willing to leave the city centre to buy.
It is in fact action what confers the power to ACTIVATE RESULTS
The importance of immediacy
Forecasts based on the previous season are over, they’re no longer valid. Forget long-term forecasting too.
You have to focus on now. Trends change so quickly, you have to understand what is happening in your sales channels right now, interpret the information you’re receiving in real-time, turn it into knowledge, and the most important, into actions valuable and significant for your users that ACTIVATE SALES.
Customer analysis tools (CRMs, CDPs, …) based on knowing and segmenting customers by their consumption pattern are interesting, but if they don´t go further and customer activation has to be done by newsletter, emails or social ads they impact is limited as reallity shows. Something more is needed.
With all the inputs that your clients receive throughout the day, it is important to be able to react to their needs in a fast, clear and personalized way so that you don’t become obsolete. Take advantage of customers´ knowledge to offer proposals, services and benefits according to their tastes and preferences. A unique and identical shopping experience across all channels.
Having all the information in a single platform from which to analyze your data will give you an unprecedented global vision that allows you to know which store can best serve you as a contactless collection point, what type of products are best sold online and do not need to occupy space in the shelves of physical stores, or even if you should relocate any of your stores. If this platform also allows to turn customer knowledge into action, you already have what you need to differentiate your brand and scale your sales.
Anticipate. Learn from your customers in real-time and in all its facets so that you can know what to offer them, when to offer it, and where to do it.
Being able to adapt quickly to changes in consumer needs is the greatest expression of the customer-centric strategy. Shall we explain how?
Descarga el ebook "Los retos del retail"
La guía definitiva para conocer las tendencias que marcarán el futuro del sector del retail en personalización y omnicanalidad